Category: Movies

General movie news

Clash of the Titans – Mission Statement

I just came across this site were he discusses his views on the new Clash of the Titans remake. Here is an exerpt: So there’s this quote that was I guess in Variety when the Clash of the Titans remake was announced. And it’s haunted me a little bit. Apparently, it was me who said it and …

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The Hulk’s CGI Finally Gets Upgraded!

Found this article and thought it was interesting. Here is the article as written: I ran across a new TV spot today and noticed some freshly upgraded CGI. Not that this wasn’t expected, but there are some enormous differences between now and two months ago. Care to take a look? read more | digg story

Dr. Horrible is Coming!

Okay, a friend has just sent this to me and I had to share. I am a huge fan of Joss Whedon and had never heard of this. Apparently during the writer’s strike, Joss Whedon and his “friends” have created an online event starting on July 15th, 2008. I have no idea what it is …

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“Kung Fu Panda” Will Blind You With Its Awesomeness!!!

Been so caught up with iPhone releases the movies had gone to the backseat! No more. Went to see Kung Fu Panda a few days ago with my son, The 9 Year Old Geek, and my lovely wife. What a film! The first thing that will strike you is the CG. Perfect animation from start …

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Community First Rips Off Mac Ads – Poor Judgement

This ad campaign was just pointed out to me on Australian Foxtel. It would seem that Community First Credit Union is so devoid of ideas that it has to rip off Apple Computers very successful Get-A-Mac ads. Here is one of the the ads: My first question is: Does Apple know that they have copied …

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Metropolis Lives Again

My friend Jacob just sent me this very interesting article (which you can read here) about finding the lost, complete version, of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. This is wonderful and I really hope that Hollywood (or the German Film Industry) sees fit to digitally restore this wonderful film for the world to see. Whatever happens please …

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