Category: Tech
Tech news stories that caught our attention or imagination.
These HD remakes lately have been kinda pissing me off. “Tomb Raider” copped one and they used the older looking PS2 builds rather than the superior next gen versions of Legend or 10th Anniversary and “Prince of Persia” just showed that it really was 8 years ago when they were good games. Some do make …
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You know those awesome games that slip under the radar when they’re first released but become popular after they’ve been discontinued and get no credit for their creators because the title’s been out of print for so long? Games like “Beyond Good and Evil”, “Psychonauts” and “Castlevania Lords of Shadow” all seemed to miss making …
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This week I was invited to a special event to announce Nokia’s new handset the “N9”. The invite for the event claimed, “Nokia to “disrupt” market with new device” so the questions are, 1) will they disrupt the market? and 2) what is the new handset like? Let’s tackle the second question first, what is …
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Some legends never die, as the saying goes. And some legends you just wish would die. Then there’s those legends that keep promising they’ll come, and then they don’t, then a couple of years later they show you a trailer and get you all excited again, then they don’t come out and then, just when …
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Okay, I loved “Duke Nukem 3D” and I have waited for “Duke Nukem Forever”, like the rest of the world, for years and years. I spoke to Nathan from RawDLC last night and it almost broke my heart to hear that the game, in his opinion, is not very good. I have the Balls of …
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It’s been a few weeks since it’s initial launch and stock has become easier to find again after completely selling out on day one so I felt it was time for someone to give an overall summation of Nintendo’s new handheld fun-box, the Nintendo 3DS. The 3D concept is not new grounds to Nintendo. They …
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