Category: Tech
Tech news stories that caught our attention or imagination.
Well we knew it was coming and we pretty much new everything about it before the announcement but now it is all official. The iPad 2 will hit stores on March 11th in the United States. No word on the Australian release date yet, but Apple has set up a “be notified” page on their …
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Ok kids, drugs are bad. They are very very bad. Unless you are a video game developer, then they are very very good. The crazier your mind works when you make a game, the more twisted ideas that you will attempt and sometimes you can bring an original concept that will blow a gamer’s brain …
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I just read an article on Mashable about Motorola’s new Xoom tablet, apparently it is going to ship without Flash, Adobe’s web animation tool. This is a pretty major deal considering the flack that Apple got a few years ago when it decided not to include Flash on it’s mobile devices. Android has used Flash …
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Space. The final frontier. Well, actually there’s enough movies, comics, tv series, books and video games based on space exploration that it doesn’t really seem all that “virgin territory” anymore. However, the science fiction side of role playing games is relatively untouched with only a handful actually being a successful series. The last one of …
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Okay, hands up all those people who remember when Sonic the Hedgehog games were good. Now, out of those three people, who has any hope left for the blue rodent? That’s right, none of you and you have very good reason. It’s not even a case of “once burnt, twice shy”, Sega have been pumping …
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Crossover games are great. And the crazier the better. What would a fight be like between a monkey and a shark? Or a disco samurai and an electric spetznaz? TV shows like “greatest warrior” only work on statistics and “what ifs” and “maybes” but the beauty of the video game industry is we get to …
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