Dr. Horrible – The Verdict

Joss Whedon shows us the future of TVWell, I have been busy with getting the podcast happening and I completely forgot to write my verdict on “Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog”.

Okay, here goes, I loved it. I already think that Joss Whedon is a bit of a legend and I am a huge Buffy and Angel fan. I also think that Firefly was one of the most under-rated and mistreated shows on television. Firefly was were I discovered the amazing talent of Nathan Fillion, who plays Captain Hammer in Dr. Horrible.

I didn’t get to watch all of this streamed through the site, but I did buy it on iTunes so I feel I have supported the show in my own way. This site also carried banners for the show leading up to the release. Aren’t I good Whedon Fanboy!

The story is simple, Dr. Horrible wants to join the Evil League of Evil and Captain Hammer is out to stop him. Add to this mix a shared love interest and some really good songs (sung well by the talented cast) by Mr. Whedon and you have a very enjoyable comedy romp. I must note that I also really enjoyed the Buffy episode, “Once More With Feeling” and the music is very similar in style.

The stand out is Neil Patrick Harris as Dr. Horrible, his performance is pitch perfect and I have all new respect for this man – I was never an Doogie Howser fan and what the hell was he doing in Starship Troopers! After this, I’d watch him read the telephone book – great stuff.

As far as the female love interest goes, Felicia Day is lovely. She has a wholesome, girl next door charm. She is a newcomer to me, I looked over her IMDB profile and although she has done a number of roles (including Buffy episodes) and yet I’ve never really noticed her before. I hope this leads to many more roles.

And lastly we come to Mr. Fillion, he plays Captain Hammer with gusto. A not so bright, full of himself superhero who really only wants the girl to piss off Dr. Horrible. He is fun and I didn’t know he could sing, although it has to be said he is the weakest singer of the three.

Overall, a really fun 40 minutes and hopefully a vision of the shape of things to come in TV making and distribution. I applaud you Joss, and everyone else involved.