Fallout 3 to be released in Australia, but…

Just to follow up my rant from a couple of weeks ago about censorship, Fallout 3, the game that got “banned” is finally going to be released in Australia.

“Does this mean, we will finally get an R rating on games?”, I hear you ask.

No, it means that the censors have hacked up another game to fit within the MA rating. If we were (and we were in the 80s) regularly getting our movies chopped up for release we would have an riot. Film buffs would get up and scream from the rafters, “you can’t mutilate art!”

Well guess what, computer games are every bit an art form as movies. I am ashamed of living in Australia at this moment. We used to be a liberal minded, free thinking people and quite frankly we are thinking more like moral majority, religious, conservative mid-western Americans at the moment.

Wake up Australia, you stupid buggers! Get that carrot out of your arse and start speaking up for what is right, don’t let the conservatives take over the world, believe it or not you will not like that world. How do I know? Look at America at the moment! I don’t want to live there at the moment, and I don’t want Australia to become that.

I beg you Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, I know you are a very religious person, but please do the right thing and separate church and state. Be the free thinking liberal minded Prime Minister I hoped you would be, undo the damage of the Howard years. Deep down, I know you know it is the right thing to do.

Here is a starter To Do List:

  1. Get out of Iraq and apologise to the world, then condemn America for not getting out.
  2. Legalise gay marriage (or explain exactly how it damages my marriage, I’m open for debate).
  3. Pass an R rating on video games.
  4. Ban scripture classes from public schools (separation of church and state, remember).

There is so much I could put on this list, but this is a good start.

I’m exhausted now, I need a Bex and good cup of Bushalls (you young ones will not get that at all) :-)

Rant Over!