Slacker Uprising

Michael Moore's Slacker Uprising

Michael Moore

I just want to start this by saying that I think Michael Moore has done an amazing thing by releasing this for free to the North American’s via the web. However, I don’t think he went far enough. Even if he didn’t want it to be free everywhere in the world, he could have released a paid for copy simultaneously everywhere else. I would have paid for it! The DVD of this film is advertised on the site next to the free download, he could have made it free in North America and then released it on DVD and through iTunes rentals everywhere else at the same time.

Why do I concern myself with this? There are a lot of US citizens (myself included) living in foreign countries and  I think the film is important and should be seen by ALL potential voters before this election is stolen by the Republicans again!

Okay, the film. How is it? Well, that is the interesting thing, I didn’t think the film was actually as good as his previous work. It is more of a highlights reel of his tour in 2004 than a documentary, but that was his aim I believe. What I will say about the film is his passion. I don’t think I have ever seen Michael Moore so passionate in his speaking. This is a subject that he feels is very important and he shows it.

The film is worth seeing and makes a nice companion piece to Fahrenheit 9/11. As a film on it’s own it is not quite as successful. It is worth noting that the sequence when they applaud the soldier in the audience reduced my wife to tears and Rosanne Barr’s speech near the end had me roaring with laughter.

We will be discussing this film, other works by Michael Moore and the current state of the US election in this weeks netcast, it should be worth downloading and listening to this. You will be able to Listen to it here or download (and subscribe) it on iTunes or on Tuesday (30th September 2008).


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    • Silvie Lisle on September 28, 2008 at 4:04 am

    I so want to see this film but I am stuck in Australia!!! How did you get a copy David?

    I love Michael Moore.

    • on September 28, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    I so want to see this film but I am stuck in Australia!!! How did you get a copy David?

    I love Michael Moore.

  1. I have my sources ;-)

  2. I have my sources ;-)

    • Jacob Oberman on September 28, 2008 at 9:02 am

    What if the whole world could vote in the US elections.

    • Jacob Oberman on September 28, 2008 at 7:02 pm

    What if the whole world could vote in the US elections.

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