The “…Geek, Actually” Podcast, What Is It?

I have noticed that as the popularity of this blog increases, we are not seeing the same sort of increases to our show, “…Geek, Actually”. Although the show’s numbers do increase each week, the increase isn’t as dramatic as the blog’s. So I thought it was about time to write a post to help inform you, the readers, about the show. Call it an FAQ if you like.

What is a podcast?

I’m glad you asked. A podcast (or netcast, same thing) is either an online radio show or online video show. In our case we are a radio show that is downloadable or streamable from the internet.

What is the show “…Geek, Actually”?
“…Geek, Actually” is a conversational internet radio show about movies and tech. But wait, there’s more! I need to qualify the tech aspect of the show. I have people say to me, “I don’t know anything about tech, it doesn’t interest me.” That is probably a good thing as we don’t tend to dwell very much on hardcore tech. I’ll leave that to Leo LaPorte and his group over at, what we do is approach tech from the point of view of the every person. We try and bring up stories that are either fun or interesting or affect the every day person and then help to demystify the jargon.

So a Non-Geek might like the show?
Mirren Lee (one of my co-hosts) is very non-geek. If we can help her understand tech subjects we might be able keep your interest too.

So you said you also talk about movies?
By far the main focus of the podcast is movies. We are all movie fans and have all worked in the film and/or TV business in some way or another. I (David) host the show and I originally trained as a film director/producer before getting heavily involved with tech. I also used to review video releases on Radio 3AW (Saturday Night’s with Yvonne Lawrence). I am also an avid film buff and dabbled in an acting career for awhile (Neighbours, Feds, Mercury a CGU Ad Campaign). Mirren Lee (co-host) is an actress, acting coach, dialect coach and ex-actor’s agent. She has been working in the film and TV industry for 30 years and also ran her own theatre company in Melbourne. Jacob Oberman in an independent producer with a lean towards documentaries.

So what do you talk about?
We discuss current release moves, DVD releases, classics, TV stuff, trends in the industry and hot topic items in the news. We do this all with fun and accessibility foremost in our minds. As an example of this, Mirren is out trivia queen and she brings the latest gossip to the show.

This sounds interesting, but I don’t own an iPod.
No problem. Our show goes out in a stock standard MP3 format, it is playable on any device that supports MP3 (computer, mobile phone, any portable MP3 player, a lot of new car stereos, most DVD players etc.). You can stream it directly from or download it from iTunes (iPod users) or from (everyone else).

How much does it cost?
Best news of all, it is absolutely free! We do accept donations if you feel generous or if you have some time, try clicking a few of the ads on our site to help pay for it. You don’t have to do any of that though, you can just listen to the show free.

So why listen to the show when I can just read the blog?
This site was set up as companion to the show. I don’t blog all the stories we talk about on the show. I also don’t put many film reviews on the site because, well quite frankly, I like to talk about the films I see. I don’t want to write a boring old review like everyone else. Part of enjoying a film is sharing the experience with others and I don’t think you can really convey a sense of please or loathing with a written review :-)

If you want to get our latest news, trivia, reviews and opinions, you have to listen to the podcast. We blog some of it and sometimes we blog stuff that doesn’t make the show … it’s kind of symbiotic. The blog also acts as a way of communicating with the listeners when we have show news (eg. delays, day changes, release days etc.)

Can I input stuff for the show?
You sure can. Three ways to have your voice heard, 1) Post comments on the blog posts. 2) Post stuff in our forum and 3) Use the contact page to send us an email.

Just remember, keep your questions short and to the point. And not all stories can go in the show.

I just noticed that you carry an explicit tag in iTunes.
Yes we do. Let me explain, there is no middle ground on iTunes, you are either clean or explicit. Due to the conversational, candid approach we take, sometimes the language gets a little salty. I am a great believer in freedom of speech and I think we are too heavily censored in this world we live in. I do not beep out the swearing, so we have to carry the explicit tag. The language we use is probably no worse than you use around the house (most of the time).

Okay, that is it for now. If you have any questions about the show that I haven’t answered, please contact me. I hope you come and enjoy the show as much as we enjoy making it.