Internet Censorship – DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Okay, the protests have started but it isn’t enough. has mobilised an amazing website that has a petition for you to sign and they are also organising protests around Australia.

Now we have been talking about this stupid draconian law for weeks now, and I would hope that everyone is as angry as us. I just went to the Facebook group about the protests and was staggered to read one drop kick’s response that said, “id love to go. just cant be fucked.”

This is what is wrong with the world right now. Governments feel that they can get away with anything because people don’t speak out against them. We live in a democracy, that means that the government are our elected officials. Your voice doesn’t only get heard during an election, you have to continue to tell them what you want. To quote the film ‘V for Vendetta’, “The people should not be afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of it’s people.

Go over to or now and do something before it is too late!

And sign the petition, they want 75,000 signatures and they have 72,000. Let’s get this idiocy stopped before it is too late.

Video from


    • Chris on June 25, 2009 at 8:47 am

    We really need to do more this cant happen but why is it, last time i check this was a free country woulden’t this internet censorship go into those laws.

    It just not right I say I mabye could of said it better but I dont know, I have already Signed the Getup thing but what else can i do we are these protest?

    • Chris on June 25, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    We really need to do more this cant happen but why is it, last time i check this was a free country woulden’t this internet censorship go into those laws.

    It just not right I say I mabye could of said it better but I dont know, I have already Signed the Getup thing but what else can i do we are these protest?

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