Clue is coming to the big screen…again

clueGore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean) is set to Direct a big screen adaptation of the board game Clue (Cluedo for the Australians). If this sounds familiar, it is. John Landis directed a big screen version of the game in 1985.

Why is this a good idea? That’s it. No funny remarks or comments from me, I actually want to know. So comments are welcome, tell me if you think this is a good idea.

According to Variety, Clue will be turned into a mystery that Blind Wink’s (the production company) Jonathan Krauss called “A global thriller and transmedia event that uses deductive reasoning as its storytelling engine.”

I’m sorry but ‘global’ and ‘transmedia’ are not words that I would use to describe Clue. Wasn’t the game set in one house?