Is Left 4 Dead 2 Coming to Australia?

Left 4 Dead 2Okay I am going to start by saying that I have no hard facts yet. However, that being stated, it looks like Valve’s Left 4 Dead 2 might get an Australian release with an MA15+ rating.

Now before we start cheering, we don’t know if it is an edited version or the uncut version. The only real information we have at this point comes from but a little birdie (that will remain nameless at this time) has told me this from another source as well.

I will keep my eye on the major news sources and report if I see any real hard news about this surfaces.

In the meantime, we really do need to keep up the effort to bring in an R18+ rating for games to Australia so this doesn’t happen again. Write to your state’s Attorney General and tell him that you want an R18+ rating brought in to effect in Australia. This is particularly important if you live in South Australia as it is your Attorney General who is keeping the R18+ classification from being brought forward. If enough people get involved we might be able to bring about change.