Geek Actually Episode 91 After Show – Smurf It

Hosted by: David McVay, Josh Philpott and Celine Roberts

Welcome to the Geek Actually Podcast After Show, the show were we just leave the mics on and record whatever we feel like talking about. This show gives us a chance to talk about anything that didn’t fit into the format of the main show. If this is your first experience with the Geek Actually Podcast, stop! This is not an actual show, it is the random ramblings of a bunch of geeks. Go listen to the main show first then come back to us. The Geek Actually Podcast and After Show are recorded live on Ustream.

This week we ramble on about the cold and buying a heater, oh yeah, we also talk geek stuff like an ‘Infamous 2’ trailer and the career highs and lows (and there are a lot of lows) of M. Night Shyamalan. We also take a look at the teaser trailer for the new ‘Smurfs’ movie. Our reaction really comes down to, why? Watch the trailer here.

A reminder, this is not a proper episode of the Geek Actually podcast, this is a pretty unstructured conversation that took place after the recording of the proper show. Join us in the chat room during the recording sessions on Saturday afternoons and get your voice heard. If the after shows are popular we will continue recording them. Let us know if you enjoy (or not) the after show in the comments below or in the forum.

As always this episode carries an explicit tag due to some bad language.

Listen or download it here or subscribe to it on iTunes

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If you have any comments about the episode please leave them in the comments field below or email us at or send us a voicemail at 02 8011 3167. If you are an iTunes user, please leave a review. If you’d prefer to send an mp3 voice mail, mail it to the email address above and make sure the file is under 10mb.