What’s Going On? All the Podcasts are already available.

Some of you are probably wondering why all three shows came out at the same time, let me assure you, this is not a regular occurrence. In the actual shows we even talk about the staggered release of the shows, but it occurred to me that this is the first week of the new format and there are some people who haven’t been paying attention and are confused about where to get the shows.

So I have released all the shows together this week so all the feeds are live and everyone can get their heads around this new format.

Once again here are all the various feed details so you can subscribe to your favourite podcasts:

Tech Actually

(as of next week it will be released on Sundays)

The direct RSS feed for the show: https://geekactually.com/category/geek-actually-tech/feed/

Subscribe with iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=355614605

If you want to share the iTunes link with Twitter friends, here is the short URL: http://bit.ly/techactually

Film Actually

(as of next week it will be released on Mondays)

The direct RSS feed for the show: https://geekactually.com/category/filmactually/feed/

Subscribe with iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=382426662

If you want to share the iTunes link with Twitter friends, here is the short URL: http://bit.ly/filmactually

Geek Actually After Show

(as of next week it will be released on Wednesdays)

The direct RSS feed for the show: https://geekactually.com/category/podcast/feed/

Subscribe with iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=286312873

If you want to share the iTunes link with Twitter friends, here is the short URL: http://bit.ly/GeekActually

As mentioned on the shows, if you are an iTunes subscriber, please leave a review or rating as we are trying to move up the charts and every interaction with the shows helps work the secret iTunes mojo.


If you want to subscribe to the general site feed in a feed reader so you never miss posts – feed://feeds.feedburner.com/GeekActually