Black Swan – First Thoughts

Josh and I watched this tonight as a review film for an upcoming episode of the podcast Film Actually (episode 116), so for a full review listen to the show. These are just my first thoughts and impressions of the film.

Darren Aronofsky doesn’t pull punches. “Requiem for a Dream” (2000), his film about drug addiction was one of the most gruellingly depressing films I have ever seen and although brilliant and disturbing, I will probably never watch it again. “The Wrestler” (2008) is another powerful film about getting older and realising that starting a new life is almost impossible.It was deep, sad and profound and featured an amazing, award winning, performance from Mickey Rourke.

Now he delivers “Black Swan”, a film about the impossible pursuit of perfection in the world of professional ballet. In her quest for perfection Natalie Portman’s Nina finds herself slipping into insanity. “Black Swan” is a powerful, dark film with haunting images and an amazing central performance from Portman.

The film treats it’s audience as intelligent people and never labours a point. Is Nina going insane? Is she really seeing the things she is seeing? Aronofsky never tells you the answer, he presents his images and lets you wonder, along with Nina, about what you just saw.

As much a horror film as it is a deep drama about ballet dancers as it is a study in mental health, “Black Swan” just works. It will keep you in your seat and even make you squirm a few times. If I am coming across a little vague, it’s because I don’t want to give any spoilers, this is a film to be experienced.

Originally Published on My Year with Movies