Now here is a film I am quite excited about. “The Adventures of Tintin” is a labour of love for director Steven Spielberg and producer Peter Jackson, both are self proclaimed life-long fans of the books by Hegré. I too am a fan of the books and read them all during my childhood and ever wondered if they would be given the big screen treatment. I was not a huge fan of the TV series that came out many years ago, the animation was rough and it felt lacking in heart. When I heard that Jackson and Spielberg had gone into production on a proposed trilogy of motion capture films, my heart skipped a beat.
Motion Capture (or ‘Mo-Cap’) has been given a bad rap because of the Robert Zemeckis films “The Polar Express” and “Beowulf”. The complaint about lifeless eyes and uncanny movement has left people wondering if it can ever be done right. I hate to say it, but it has been done right already. Mo-Cap brought the Na’vi to life in James Cameron’s “Avatar” and Golem to life in all of the films in the trilogy of “The Lord of the Rings”. Robert Zemeckis even got it right finally with “A Christmas Carol” with Jim Carrey, it was just that nobody saw that film. Continue reading