Okay, we have talked about this on the podcast but I am just going to say that I hate the way Fox is milking ‘Avatar’. Hasn’t the film made enough money? I have been boycotting the first DVD/Blu-Ray release of this film because it is in the wrong screen format (1.85:1 instead of it’s native 2.35:1) and it was a vanilla release (no special features). I don’t want to have to mortgage my house to buy all the various editions that are going to be released. I decided I would wait and buy the one, final special edition with the bonus features and extended cut (I know there is a planned release for mid-next year as well but that is supposedly for the 3D Blu-Ray which I don’t have anyway, I’m ignoring that one). However, now we don’t really know when it will be that we will have a definitive version because it has just come to light that there are two, yes count them, two special editions. Continue reading
Aug 25
Avatar: The Really, Really Special ‘Can I Squeeze Another Dollar Out Of You’ Edition
Aug 25
Video Game to Movie Adaptations Gone Mad : Angry Birds The Movie – WTF
Okay I have heard some pretty dumb movie ideas over the last couple of years (Ouija Board The Movie leaps to mind) and this isn’t the dumbest one I’ve heard, but now ‘Angry Birds’, you know, that addictive little iPhone/iPad game, wants to be made into a movie. ‘Angry Birds’ has sold over 6 and a half million copies on the iPhone, 200,000 copies on the iPad and the free ‘lite’ version has had about 11 million downloads, so it is safe to say that the game is a phenomenon. But a movie, really?!?!
Game developer Rovio hopes so, it is trying to shop the franchise rights around to get toys, comic books, TV shows and yes even movies made about the Angry Birds. For those who haven’t played the game, there is no real plot or character arc here, you sling shot various kinds of birds into structures that house little green pigs. The structures fall down and you kill the pigs. Kill all the pigs and you move onto the next level. It is strangely addictive and a lot of fun, but there is no movie here. I can see a plush toy line but that is about all. Continue reading
Aug 24
Geek Actually After Show Ep097 – Joaquin Joaquin Joaquin
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Hosted by: David McVay, Josh Philpott & Celine Roberts
Welcome to the Geek Actually After Show. This un-stuctured and un-planned podcast is what what you get after we finish recording the two main shows Tech Actually and Film Actually. We basically just leave the mics on and record whatever we feel like talking about. This show gives us a chance to talk about anything that didn’t fit into the format of the main shows.
This week we discuss the new trailer for ‘I’m Still Here’ the weird new documentary about Joaquin Phoenix’s hip hop career. We talk about new images from ‘The Walking Dead’ TV series and casting for the new film version of ‘Y The Last Man’. Because we missed last week, we have a bonus review of the film ‘Salt’ as well.
Some Links of things we discussed: Continue reading
Aug 23
The iMac Surgery Pictures We Discussed On This Week’s Tech Actually
Here are the pictures we discussed on this weeks Tech Actually (ep 97) of Josh and Me performing surgery on Grace (our production iMac). There are 16 photos total and I have tried to place the pictures in roughly the same order we discussed them. Listen to the episode for more details about the photos.
Aug 23
New The Walking Dead Images
Here are the images from The Walking Dead TV series that we discussed on the After Show (ep 97). I am getting more and more excited about this series. If you have listened to our shows you will know that we are all huge fans of the comic series, so we are all eagerly waiting for the first season of this Frank Darabont directed series. There are 5 images total, click the thumbnails to see larger images.
Aug 23
Trailer: A Woman, A Gun and a Noodle Shop (a remake of Blood Simple – WTF)
Why anyone would want to remake ‘Blood Simple’ by the Coen Brothers is anyone’s guess. But here it is, Zhang Yimou’s ‘A Woman, A Gun and a Noodle Shop’ based on the motion picture ‘Blood Simple’ by Joel and Ethan Coen.
I need to stop here for a second and say that ‘Blood Simple’ is one of my favourite films of all time and is on that secret list in my head of films that should not be remade, so this news is distressing. I can see what Zhang Yimou (director of ‘Hero’ and ‘House of Flying Daggers’) is doing in the remake but I just think it is unnecessary. ‘Blood Simple’ just didn’t need to be remade.
Anyway, watch the trailer below and let me know what you think in the comments. I have also included here a trailer for the original ‘Blood Simple’ for comparison. Continue reading