On this week’s After Show (ep94) we talked about the new play called ‘Fictionary’ by our friend Ben O’Brien. Considering that the After Show goes online the same day that the play opens I felt we had better post up the details now. We want the play to do well because two of our friends and guests, Ben O’Brien and Celine Roberts, are both involved in the show.
Here are the details:

Liam and Jason are two ordinary people. They live in a moderate sized apartment. They’re both unemployed. They’re both also entirely fictional. However, what would happen if they discovered the truth about their own non-existence? Would they be set free and become able to live their own lives, or would the very fabric of reality dissolve around them? Written by Ben O’Brien, “Fictionary” is a comedy about how easy it is for two characters to trade in their fictional lives for real ones.
Starring Evin Donohoe, Emmanuel Spiropoulos, Melissa Vogt and Michael Yore
Written and Directed By Ben O’Brien
Produced by Brent Davidson
Week 2 (July 27th-31st) Tues-Sat 8pm
Prices for the show are as follows:
$10 General
$8 Student
$5 Studio Four Member
To Book Tickets Go Here : http://www.nuts.org.au/booking/show.php?rec_id=68
If you have any problems with booking tickets please contact brentcdavidson@gmail.com.
The show begins at 8:00pm sharp, please be at Studio One at least 15 minutes beforehand.