/Film has posted up a bunch of concept art pictures for the upcoming Martin Campbell film ‘Green Lantern’. If these are real, they are on the right track. We’ll discuss these in detail tomorrow on episode 69 of The Geek Actually Podcast.
Jan 29
Green Lantern Concept Art
Jan 26
Platforms Episode 16 – Null and Void
Josh Philpott and Dave Kozicki (with David ‘Beardless’ McVay).
Platforms is a gamers podcast by gamers. The podcast is recorded live on Ustream with chat interaction so come and join the fun as your host candidly discuss the latest in the gaming world. The podcast is uncensored, explicit, honest and very non ‘PC’. We kick off with the trailer for ‘Dark Void’. We have more tragedy this week as David McVay’s Xbox dies and Josh’s Ps3 Dies! Is this the Kozicki curse?
News This Week: Persona 3 coming to PSP July 6th, Next ‘Borderlands’ DLC promises to be the biggest yet, ‘Elderscrolls’ MMO to be released in 2011 and ‘Assassins Creed 2’ DLC to be released Jan 28th.
Coming Soon Titles: ‘Mass Effect 2’ (28th Jan) and a new ‘Mass Effect 2’ trailer just leaves us wanting more and more! Also, ‘Tatsonoko vs Capcom’ (Wii) and ‘Dante’s Inferno’.
Review of the Week: This week, an in depth review of Capcom’s new game ‘Dark Void’. Over all it seems just a little ho-hum.
Opinion of the Week: What are your favourite guilty pleasures? What games do you play even though you know it isn’t that good?
All this and a voice mail from our good friend Brad at The Movie Fan House. Want to leave a voice mail? Call 02 8011 3167.
Quick shout outs to our friends at Game Pron and Oxcgn
This episode carries an explicit tag due to frequent coarse language.
Listen or download it here or subscribe to it on iTunes.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Platforms is brought to you by listeners, just like you. Thanks for your contributions. If you wish to make a contribution, go to the “Support Us” link above. Platforms swag can be purchased at cafepress.com.au/geekactually. An remember we are still on a funds drive to get some new equipment, every dollar helps.
Send feedback for this show to platforms@geekactually.com or leave us a voice mail message to play on the show at +61 02 8011 3167 or Skype a voicemail using Skype username: geekactually. If you are an iTunes user, please leave a review as we are trying to get on the featured list and every review helps. Your comments (good or bad) help us improve the show. You can contact us here. Make sure you join our Facebook Page at facebook.com/PlatfromsLive (yes it is mis-spelt on purpose)
The Platforms Podcast is recorded live on Ustream every Monday Evening 8pm Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (UTC+11). If you still just want to listen to the audio podcast, it will go out as normal on Tuesday. If you missed the live show, you can watch the replay all week at https://geekactually.com/platforms.
Jan 22
No show this this week due to weather
Sorry to do this to guys but we have cancel the show this week because of extremely hot weather and we are concerned about the equipment. The temperature is predicted to be 40 degrees (celsius) tomorrow (and the studio gets hotter than that!) and the programs we run to make Geek Actually possible are very CPU intensive. The computers get really hot on a normal day so I am predicting big time crashes if we try and do this tomorrow.
The weather breaks on Sunday so Platforms goes ahead as normal and Geek Actually will be back next week.
Jan 19
Platforms Episode 15 – Bro-Fisting
Josh Philpott, Dave Kozicki and Nathan ‘NachoJustice’ Lawrence (with David ‘Beardless’ McVay).
Platforms is a gamers podcast by gamers. The podcast is recorded live on Ustream with chat interaction so come and join the fun as your host candidly discuss the latest in the gaming world. The podcast is uncensored, explicit, honest and very non ‘PC’. We kick off with the trailer for ‘Army of Two – 40th Day’. Dave Kozicki and Josh Philpott are joined this episode by fellow gamer geek and chatroom regular Nathan ‘NachoJustice’ Lawrence.
News This Week: Stats are out, but what are the best selling games and consoles? Netflix is Wii bound, Bioshock 2’s new trailer is hot, God of War 3 passed the Australian censors, Warner Interactive begins culling, Splinter Cell: Conviction and R.U.S.E. delayed, DSI XL dated for Europe, The new AVP trailer is giant up yours to the censorship board and a first look at the very strange looking NBA Jam for Wii.
Coming Soon Titles: ‘Dark Void’ (21st Jan) and ‘Mass Effect 2’ (28th Jan).
Reflection of the Week: With the release of Army of Two – 40th Day, the boys take a trip down memory lane and discuss the first Army of Two game.
Review of the Week: This week, an in depth review of Army of Two – 40th Day. We start this off with one of the strangest ad campaigns for the game. Dave K., Nathan and Josh liked the game but the single button control system could cause problems.
This episode carries an explicit tag due to frequent coarse language.
Listen or download it here or subscribe to it on iTunes.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Platforms is brought to you by listeners, just like you. Thanks for your contributions. If you wish to make a contribution, go to the “Support Us” link above. Platforms swag can be purchased at cafepress.com.au/geekactually.
Send feedback for this show to platforms@geekactually.com or leave us a voice mail message to play on the show at +61 02 8011 3167 or Skype a voicemail using Skype username: geekactually. If you are an iTunes user, please leave a review as we are trying to get on the featured list and every review helps. Your comments (good or bad) help us improve the show. You can contact us here.
The Platforms Podcast is recorded live on Ustream every Monday Evening 8pm Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (UTC+11). If you still just want to listen to the audio podcast, it will go out as normal on Tuesday. If you missed the live show, you can watch the replay all week at https://geekactually.com/platforms.
Jan 18
The Geek Actually Podcast Episode 68 Sampler
Here is the latest episode in it’s 10min sampler format. Remember, if you want to hear the whole show you can grab it here or subscribe on iTunes. You can also watch the whole show by going to geekactually.com/live, the repeat runs all week.
This video carries an explicit tag due to frequent coarse language.