Hi, I’m just going around and cleaning the site up and changing this around. This was the old about page that Mirren wrote, I did’nt want to lose it so I have posted it here for historical purposes only. SOme of the formatting may not quite fit in this format but you get the general idea.
I am David’s Mother and I could tell from an early age that he was a Geek. No mean feat since computers hadn’t been invented yet!
However, he exhibited the telltale signs of the Little Geek:
1. He didn’t like sports.
2. He liked to watch the great outdoors from INSIDE the car.
3. He collected Action Jacksons and G.I. Joes long before it was okay for boys to own “dolls”. (Today they are known as “Action Figures”.) He experimented with the “dolls” by seeing how long they could take living in the freezer and being set on fire. (Practicing for when they would invent video games.)
4. When he saw “Star Wars” he wanted to be a Jedi. (And he still has his original Star Wars blanket from 1977.)
5. He collected comic books.
6. He collected “girlie” magazines.
7. He spent his pocket money playing Pac Man.
8. He told me that MacDonald’s was the only “real” food.
9. He would rather watch television and movies than go outdoors.

Today, he is a photographer and filmmaker with certificates and diplomas in technology, he graduated from film school, he can build a computer from scratch, he designs websites, he is both PC and Mac proficient (but Mac is his real love), and he patiently puts up with my constant questions about how to use my computer.
He can also lay claim to having grown into a real Geek, Actually because he:
1. Is almost having a stroke waiting for his iPhone to arrive.
2. Subscribes to every Geek site on the Web.
3. Thinks that Leo LaPorte is God, and everyone on his netcasts are the Disciples.
4. Reads www.thinkgeek.com like some people read the newspaper.
5. Says, “I know”, whenever I try to tell him about some new technology.
6. Has a collection of Mr. Potato Heads.

7. Has built a Lego City that takes up an entire room.
8. Would rather live in “Second Life” than real life.
9. Has 4 computers on his desk.
10. Speaks Geek (other friends and family of Geeks know what I mean).

There are lots of other things that define a Geek, especially since there are subsets, e.g. those that like pirates vs. those who like ninjas, but I have given you the basics so that you can identify a Geek when you see one.
And ask him (or her) to fix your computer.