Hello Vodafone, anyone home? Where is iPhone Info?

Now, with four days to go until the iPhone 3G is released in Australia and Vodafone, the supposed “number 1 carrier of iPhone in Australia”, is still silent while Optus and Telstra announce their plans.

Vodafone, get off your ass and release some sort of info, even if it is an apology to the many Apple Fans and tech geeks who have waited so long for this device to be released in this country. If you would just keep us all informed as to the status of the release then I don’t think we would even be that unhappy to wait a little longer if the plans and prices are good. Say nothing and risk losing many clients to your competitors who are ready to service their clients.

Vodafone, support your clients who in return support you by using your service.

Community First Rips Off Mac Ads – Poor Judgement

This ad campaign was just pointed out to me on Australian Foxtel. It would seem that Community First Credit Union is so devoid of ideas that it has to rip off Apple Computers very successful Get-A-Mac ads.

Here is one of the the ads:

My first question is: Does Apple know that they have copied them? My second question is: Why would you think that this is a good idea?

I don’t know about you but it really highlights how talented Justin Long and John Hodgman really are. The actors in the Community First ads lack charisma, charm and wit, it almost feels like they are embarrassed to be in these blatant rip offs. Even Microsoft has the good sense to not copy this campaign as they would be seen as copying Apple (again).

Seeing this ad on TV made me feel dirty, think I’ll go have a shower.

PS The campaign was shown on Channel 9 (free to air TV, the recording I saw was a rebroadcast on Foxtel) during Wimbledon – So I guess you could say it was seen by an awful lot of people.

The Geek Actually Podcast

The podcast is still under development and there will be more news on this soon.

iPhone – Only five days to go – What the hell is going on Vodafone?

Five whole days to go and still no word from Vodafone on the Australian pricing of iPhone.

I accept that Apple computers are notoriously tight lipped when it comes to future products, but my god this time it is not their fault! I can’t believe that Vodafone has made us wait this long.

Vodafone announced that they would be the carrier of iPhone in Australia long before Steve Jobs actually announced the new product. I would have assumed that the day that Apple announced the new phone and it’s Australian release date that Vodafone would be ready with plans and start taking pre-orders.

I don’t know about the rest of you but I need to budget for the new toys. I can’t just slap down anything from $300 – $700 without consulting the wife and looking at other things like food, rent etc.

I have this horrible feeling that Vodafone will contact me the day before release and tell me that I have to decide on the spot or miss out on a deal. Fuck that! If Vodafone tries this sort of crap I’ll take my business to Optus (and I don’t even like Optus).

That is my rant for the day. Tell me how you feel about it.

Metropolis Lives Again

My friend Jacob just sent me this very interesting article (which you can read here) about finding the lost, complete version, of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis.

This is wonderful and I really hope that Hollywood (or the German Film Industry) sees fit to digitally restore this wonderful film for the world to see. Whatever happens please don’t let a restoration like Giorgio Moroder’s 1984 version happen again. 

Argh! Remake Alert! “The Day the Earth Stood Still”

Oh god, why?!?!?

The masterpiece of Science Fiction by Robert Wise has been remade with Keanu Reeves as Klaatu! What the hell is Hollywood thinking? More on this as information comes to me. In the meantime, view the trailer here.